Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I'm in a room alone and a figure walks in and pins me down. It's a young girl with dark short hair. She can open her mouth really big and she is very strong.
was she a doll at one point? I don't know I'm already starting to forget the dream.
I am terrified but I get away and run to my cousin's room. She is across the hall and I try to wake her up. She won't wake up even after I grab her by her hair and slam her body against the wall. The girl is still around I can feel her. I take my cousin to her car and drive to her parents house.
I wake up.... but I'm still in my dream.
I'm in my cousins bed she had when she was young. I'm scared to be alone. She tells me her dad found us in her car in the early morning some where with a fucked up tire. She asks me what happened but I can't talk. My tongue doesn't work and I'm sobbing as I'm trying to talk.
I know that if I fall back asleep that the girl will come back. I can't hang my feet off the bed because I know she'll reach for them.

Tuesdays are the worst. It's always a struggle to get through them. This particular Tuesday is being most stubborn and decided on lingering through Wednesday.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this


rayss said...

get a load of this

ps word verification was phomp

crystalina la fea said...

we are sum crazy girlz
your the best at catching those extra special moments