Saturday, October 16, 2010

reclaiming old dreams

When I was young and hopeful I used to tell my friend during late night conversations about my dreams. This was before we even knew a life outside the world our parents created for us was. We both would dream about traveling around the country and making our money by playing music on a sidewalk. We would talk about this all while sitting in our dim lit bedrooms and up way too late on a school night.
Now I'm here and I have a lot to think about. A lot of planning to do... a lifetimes worth.
I like that we can go different ways for a while and meet back on my bed with our shoes off and find ourselves in the very same spot that we used to be.
"so how was your last 4 years?"
"oh yea, so what are you going to do now?"
It's a comfortable feeling almost like sitting on the porch of your childhood. It's not tainted with all these early twenties plagues like casual sex, bars and dating.
We are still talking about our life and the future and what we dream.
I wonder what I would have thought if I got a glance of my present-self back then.
I bet I would be disappointed.
Folk music could quite possibly have great healing powers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see someone else in the family struggling with their future, their life and what the fuck to do. I won't act like I can give any advice except just wake up everyday!